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油壓電腦控制自動上膠前幫機 2008/3/7 0:00:00 关注度:6701
油壓電腦控制自動上膠前幫機 HD-808 9-Pincer Hydraulic Computerized Toe Lasting m/c(With hot melt ) 特點 : • 由硬度適中的鐵弗龍製作的束緊器及側壓左右的油缸配合 , 結幫後 , 鞋面均勻貼緊鞋楦 , 幫腳的角度與鞋楦一致 , 不發角 , 增進美觀度 , 也減輕了後續作業的難度 。 • 兩段式均可調節壓力的壓頭設計 , 適應不同材質鞋幫的製作 , 側擺式壓頭增加了操作者的視野 , 常面對機器無壓抑感 。 • 獨特夾爪固定設計 , 大大地增加爪子使用壽命和爪子更換速度 , 緊密配合鞋型的每只爪子 , 均可獨立自動下拉 , 並可視鞋面鬆緊度 ,選擇左右獨立自動下拉之行程動作 , 也可避免因不適當機器調整 , 掃刀前進時與爪子的撞碰 , 爪型可根據鞋楦的大小碼自由調整 。 • 掃刀具有寸動及調整功能 , 使不同材質的鞋面結幫控制的調整作業更為方便 。 掃刀兩段式下掃動作精確地配合膠盤自動上膠 , 減少鞋面結幫時的報廢率 。 • 內撐台有二段上升功能供選用 , 配合後跟頂座動作 , 可防止鞋楦下滑之現象 。 • 外撐台(即膠盤)高低也可視情形自由調節 , 使得印膠的效果更理想化 。 • 本機附有十字投影燈裝配 , 方便鞋頭校正作業 。 同時使新手更容易操作 。 • 本機採用 PLC 控制 , 軟體功能強大 , 彈指之間可對機器動作做出完美的修改 , 操作者十分方便選擇各機械動作先後的微調和是否需要的動作 , 製造出更完美的幫腳 。 Characteristics: • Teflon toe band and specially balance toe band cylinder device ensure more evenly and closely attached to lasts after lasting No protrusion will happen so the surface becomes more beautiful and the quality is upgraded. • The mechanism of toe part pressing pad adopts adjustable2-stage pressure, which make operators have good vision. • Each set of pincers can be individually adjusted to their corresponding position and be functioned and controlled according to the tension of the uppers. • The wiper is functioned with inching movement and speed adjustment, which makes the whole adjustment of last control more convenient. • The last support plate is functioned with two-stage rising mechanism which can prevent the last, slip off in conjunction with the action of heel supporter. • According to necessary, the height of the nozzle plate can be adjusted for the best cementation. • The machine is equipped with cross projector assembly, which is convenient for correcting toe lasting, and helps new comers easily operate the machine. • Electrics system A: the plc controlled system and diagrammatic operation system make the order of all mechanical operations and the adjustment of operation time expressed in letters of figures on the screen which make the operation and adjustment more convenient and steady. B: the function of breakdown showing and self-examination can testify the all mechanical operation and electric switches from the maintenance.
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  • 400-779-0282